Registering for High School Soccer OfficiatingRegistering for High School SoccerIn order for you to officiate high school soccer you must be registered with the Washington Officials Association which is the governing body for officials for the WIAA. This association provides both the NW Soccer Officials and each referee one million dollars in liability insurance and pays Labor and Industries fees for each game. If you are not registered with WOA you can not do high school games. To register with WOA through NW Soccer Officials contact Ryan Meeks at meeksry@nwsoccerofficials.com and give him your mailing address. He will send you a registration packet risk management form, WOA registration card and instructions. Follow the instructions and return the required forms along with a check made out to WOA for the required fee. When he receives all the forms and payment he will access the WOA data base and register you. At that time you will be required to take the WOA Online Clinic Test. Upon passing, the NW Soccer Officials assignors will be able to assign you to High School games on Arbiter. The fee to join WOA are $95.00. This fee covers both the fall and spring seasons. After you are registered and your risk management form is on file with WOA you will have to view the WOA online rules clinic and pass the WOA online rules test. Go to www.woaofficials.com To be eligible for post season (play off) assignments:
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